Arugula Salad with Pancetta, Parmigiano, & Oil Cured Olives

Servings: 4

Tara's Notes

This is another really simple, really good salad that we have been making several times a month for 15 years or more. Noted on: 2/13/2012



  1. Cook the pancetta slices over medium low heat until just barely crisp. Break into pieces and set aside.
  2. In a small bowl, whisk together the lemon juice and olive oil.
  3. Using a vegetable peeler, shave the Parmesan cheese into strips.
  4. Pit and halve the olives.
  5. In a large salad bowl, toss the arugula with the dressing to coat each leaf thoroughly. Add the pancetta, parmesan, olives, a little salt and lots of pepper. Toss to blend and serve.

Cook's Notes

Ingredient Notes
Bacon can be substituted for the pancetta. It won't be the same salad but it will still be good.
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