Green Chile Sauce

Tara's Notes

This green chile sauce is very mild mannered (but still very delicious) - even gringos and small children can eat it. Use it over eggs, burritos, grilled pork chops, or just grab a spoon and go for it.

Noted on 3/23/2012



  1. Bring the stock to a boil in a deep pot and add all the ingredients except the lard and flour. Simmer the sauce, uncovered, for 1 hour, stirring occasionally.
  2. Melt the lard in a skillet over medium heat and, when hot, whisk in the flour, a few tablespoons at a time. Stir the roux constantly until it reaches an almond color and then whisk it into the sauce. Watch out, the sauce will splatter like crazy when you add the roux. Let the sauce simmer for a few minutes to thicken.

Cook's Notes

Makes 2 quarts
Advance Prep
The sauce can be refrigerated for up to 5 days and frozen for months.
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