Chicken Gumbo

Servings: 10

Tara's Notes

Finally. For 30+ years we've been making gumbo like this. I learned how to make it from Ken, who learned the recipe from Lelia, his grandmother and a native Louisianan. There are no green bell peppers in this gumbo (horrors!). Lelia doesn't  include them because she "just doesn't like them". I don't use green bell peppers either and I'm not apologizing. Lelia also usually made gumbo with shrimp (because it was plentiful and, I imagine, not too expensive). She also never included sausage in her gumbo.
Noted on 10/05/2021





  1. First, make a roux. In a large pot (6 to 8 quart) heat the oil over medium-high heat until it shimmers and moves about in the pot. Add the flour and whisk like crazy. The mixture will smooth out and then take on a sandy texture. At this point switch to a wooden spoon. Slowly cook the roux, adjusting the temperature if the roux is cooking too quickly.  The roux will begin to color, keep stirring and cooking until it reaches a nice brown, just a shade or two darker than golden.
  2. Add the celery and green onions, about half at first. Vigorously stir the vegetables and roux until combined (it will look a little lumpy, but that's OK). Then add the rest of the vegetables and 4 quarts of liquid (water, chicken stock or a combo). Stir in the gumbo filé. When everything is well combined, add the chicken to the pot. The chicken should be completely submerged in the liquid. If not, add a bit more until it is. Bring everything up to a simmer and let bubble gently for 40 minutes stirring occasionally to make sure nothing is stuck to the bottom of the pot. 
  3. Remove the chicken from the pot Place it on a plate or platter and let it cool until it can be handled. Pick all the meat from the chicken, shred it and reserve, discarding the bones, skin and nasty bits.
  4. Brown the sausage slices, if using, without any additional fat, in batches and reserve. 

  5. Meanwhile, let the gumbo keep simmering away for another 2 hours. This is where the magic happens. At this point, start tasting for salt. Season the gumbo to taste with salt and pepper.

    While the gumbo is simmering away you should start your rice. It cooks for an hour and 10 minutes and will stay warm in the turned-off oven for at least another hour.
  6. At this point, your gumbo is done. Add the reserved shredded chicken and reserved sausage. Stir gently, the chicken will break up if not handled lightly. Taste again for seasoning. Serve the gumbo with cooked rice and hot sauce.

    Once the chicken is added back to the pot and is heated through, you are ready to serve. If not serving right away, turn off the heat. Reheat gently at serving time.

Cook's Notes

Find the recipe for Gumbo Rice here.
A lot, but it freezes really well.